

Dojo serves as an investigative and testing ground for what it might be to be human using Dojo principles and Dojo tools. It's also a place where people can practice changing things up. 

What is Dojo? 

First of all, I want to be very, very clear about what this isn’t. This isn’t about TRUTH. This isn’t about finding REAL ANSWERS to REAL QUESTIONS from REAL AUTHORITY FIGURES. This isn’t about how to fix your brokenness or heal your woundedness. This is not about finding the magical solution to get you to the places you want to be. It is REALLY not about pointing at the right way to be or want or feel or think.

Then wtf is this?

It’s an exploration into one way of looking at what it is to be human. And not just, “How are humans human?” in the general sense. There is the specific goal of better understanding why we are the way we are, both as individuals and as human beings, with the intention that, if we don’t like the way our lives are, we can change so that we have more of what we say we want.

A root philosophical hypothesis is that, as humans, values are what make our reality a human reality. Very, very close to this root hypothesis is another, that human values are all learned, that we do not come into this world with any values inscribed in our consciousness. Given that all values are learned, then learning new values is possible.

Read more about Dojo here. 

Dojo Gym Online

Have a private 4-session online gym for exercises at $400.